
Word Nerd Wednesday: Snoozle

It's that time again: WORD NERD WEDNESDAY!

Clearly, you're riveted by the subject line this week---how could you not be? And oh my friends, believe me when I say that this week's selection will not disappoint! So, without further ado, let me introduce.....

Yes, I'm serious. That's a word. And it dates back to 1831, which in my opinion makes it all the more entertaining. Go ahead; say it out loud. SNOOZLE. 

Note: this word inexplicably makes me want to type LOL
Just like that, in all capital letters. I don't know man, it's just too cute.

I'm not going to tell you what it means this week. 

Instead, I will leave you with this hint:

Photo credit: Foxes, Puppy'Teddy, Otters, Pig/Bunny

And this writing prompt:

This week, write a poem titled "Snoozle". Don't look up the definition until after you draft the poem! Then you can look it up and shift things around a bit if you need to. (Hint: it's a verb.)

BONUS POINTS: write a sad poem called "snoozle". I don't even know if it's humanly possible to write a sad poem using that word....especially after you just looked at the cutest animal photos I could find on the internet. But I will virtually shake your hand if you pull it off. 

As always, feel free to share your poem in the comments section and have a look-see at what your fellow humans are doing with this prompt. I can guarantee you it will not be boring. If you really love what you've done and you think your "Snoozle" poem may just break the world it's so awesome, shoot us an email with the poem and you could end up in next month's Featured Friday section, or in our free literary magazine!

Oh, and don't forget to check out our other Word Nerd Wednesday posts here!

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