
Word Nerd Wednesday: Petrichor

Hello, everyone! Happy Word Nerd Wednesday! AND Happy Holidays! I hope you're all safe, warm, sipping some hot cocoa, and reading a wonderful book.

Today's word is...... *drum roll, please!*

This is one of my absolute favorite words! I found it when I was in high school. I'm going to give you the definition this week, since it's so lovely.

One of my favorite smells of all time is the smell of the earth after a summer or spring storm. Nothing beats it for me. I can't breathe enough in the first moments I walk outside after it rains, and when I found a word for the smell, I was overjoyed. I can honestly say it was a moment of discovery that I will remember forever. The idea that there is a name out there for something that I love, and that sometimes if I am very lucky or know where to look, that word will find me, keeps me excited for the future. It makes me want to read more, learn more, and keep my eyes peeled. And that's what these posts are about, after all: giving names to feelings, sensations, ideas, and everything else in between that you might have wondered about. 

Here is how Word Nerd Wednesday works:

1. Freewrite on the word of the day. If you're not sure how to go about that, check out this post about freewriting. There's a handy flowchart that will show you how to do it. 

2. Write a poem using the material you create in your freewriting exercise. Title the poem "Petrichor".

3. Post your poem in the comments section, and look around and see what your fellow poets are writing! Or, if you really love what you've created, shoot us an email with the poem and you might end up in next month's Featured Friday section! 

Check out our other Word Nerd Wednesday posts here. You can also take a look at our first Featured Friday post, if you'd like to learn more about how that works. 

We'll see you next week with another great word to inspire you! Until then, enjoy the holidays and stay warm!

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