
10 Reasons Why Being a Poet is Absolutely Amazing

Happy Monday, friends, and a happy Monday it is! We've been busily prepping for National Poetry Month (TWO DAYS. 48 hours. AHHH), and we're more than ready to celebrate. All these preparations have had us feeling all sorts of mushy about our favorite genre of writing, so for today's Monday Musing, we've decided to discuss why poets (YOU) are amazing.

Get ready, friends. The GIF train is rolling.

1. You know emotion like no one else.

Whether you had an angst journal in your teenage years or you just happen to be a highly emotive person, chances are, if you're a poet, you're more in touch with what you're feeling than most of your friends. The upside of this is that you can use your emotional range to write a wide variety of poetry. The downside, of course, is that something may move you to uncontrollable weeping, which will be met with weird looks from your friends. That emotion of yours is damn beautiful, friends. Don't you forget it.

2. You have an endless vocabulary of interesting words at your disposal.

When the conversation lulls because someone can't think of a word, you're the savior. When you're making new friends at a party and you want to impress someone with a little string of prodigious words, you become an instant wordsmith. No matter the situation, you're a walking thesaurus, and it's all because you love words. You might even call yourself (as we do, when referring to ourselves) a word nerd.

3. On that note, you probably own everyone you know in grammar.

Because that's a thing you do, when you're good at grammar. You own people. At grammar. No shame.

4. You can woo someone with just a click of your pen.

Writing a love poem that doesn't suck? Psh. No brainer. Relationship locked down.

5. Or you can creatively drop an insult, and the person you dislike is none the wiser.

Remember all those words you know? Words are powerful things, yo.

6. You have an entire month to tell everyone how special you are.

That's right! April is National Poetry Month, which means for an entire month, you can shove your favorite poetry chapbook into the faces of your indifferent friends, screaming at them to bow down to the amazingness that is poetry. Or, you can take it down a notch and celebrate like a normal human. Don't forget to check in with Floodmark for all the latest National Poetry Month fun!

7. You are part of a community unlike anything else.

In case you haven't noticed, poets are unbelievably interesting people. They lead uncommon lives that are just bursting with stories to be told, and their minds are both intricate and, probably, more than a little bizarre. Talk with an experienced poet for a few minutes, and you'll practically want to explode with the knowledge of how awesome they are. Bring a poet into your circle of poetry friends, and you'll have an up close and personal window into their crazy poet brains.

8. You've come to terms with your own personal brand of weird.

You aren't afraid to err on the side of strange. No one ever got published for doing something boring. Rock on, weirdo. Rock on.

9. You know how to keep going.

If anyone ever tells you poetry is easy, we give you full permission to give them a not-so-gentle smack. Writing good poetry takes a lot of work: writing several times a week, revising your poem time and time again, and pulling out all your best tricks to keep yourself trudging on even when you're feeling completely stuck. If you're a poet, you know how you work best, and you have an immense amount of dedication. Employers would be lucky to have you. Go ahead, put it on your resume.

10. You have the best creative outlet in the entire world. The entire world.

Being a poet is like being a painter and your own personal psychologist all in one. When you write poetry, you create a stunning, ethereal, or just plain weird world that is 100% your brain. When you write poetry, you have a unique opportunity to work through experiences from your past and worries about your future in a manner that makes sense to you. Poetry is therapy. Poetry is art. Poetry is too many things to possibly describe. Poetry is, put simply, the best.

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