
Word Nerd Wednesday: Inochromes

Happy Word Nerd Wednesday, folks!

Today's word is maybe not a word. Which seems like it defeats the purpose, but I liked it so much I just had to share it. Here it is:

First, let's break it down. The prefix "in-" means "without or lacking". And "-chrome" means color. This is enough justification for me that this is a word I'd like to use in a poem, but I'll tell you about where I picked it up in case you need more convincing.

I love "Humans of New York". I think it's an amazing project, and I keep up with it daily via their Facebook. I highly recommend it! In one of the posts (this one to be specific), you'll find the following image and quote:

Dwight [the artist pictured] begins his process with what he calls “ghost images,” or inochromes, which are extremely faint reproductions of Dwight’s original work. 

Pretty cool, right? I love the idea of an artist making a ghost image (or inochrome!) of their own work. It makes me wonder if poems can work the same way.

Anyway, let's get started on your prompt for today:

1. Use the Word of the Day to inspire you: free write for ten minutes, sketch a drawing, write a list of words that sound similar to the Word of the Day, break it down and see what other words you can make out of those letters, etc.

2. Compose a poem in which you use the Word of the Day as your poem's title OR use the Word of the Day somewhere in your poem. Your choice!

Happy writing, friends! And don't forget to check back for next week's Word Nerd Wednesday!

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