
On Repeat This Week: "Paper Forest"

Good morning, poets! Let's kickstart your Tuesday with a little bit of tuneage.

credit: unsplash
If you've been following Floodmark, you may have seen our first music-inspired Short N' Sweet writing prompt (if not, go take a look!), and we figured it was high time to do another one. Music offers so many opportunities when it comes to freewriting: You can use the story of the song to build a scenario for a poem you want to write. You can use snippets from the lyrics to generate new phrases to use in your work. Or, of course, you can simply let the music seep in as you write.

For today's musical inspiration, you can go about your freewriting one of two ways. You can watch the video and freewrite as/after you watch it. Or, you can press play and scroll down so you just listen to the music and lyrics. It's up to you!

Without further adieu, allow me to introduce you to Emmy the Great. Listen away.

PS: If you're like me and you need to read the lyrics to absorb them, you can click here.

Personally, I'm obsessed with this lyric: "standing in the afterglow of rapture, and the words the rapture left," which is the whole reason I chose to present this song to you today. What can you make of that phrase?

Your prompt is, as a Short N' Sweet poetry prompt should be, simple: listen to this song as many times as you choose, freewriting on the themes of the song. What do you think is the message of this song? Which of its lyrics do you find creeping into your freewriting? Go ahead; listen and write!

Was this prompt helpful to you? Do you often write with music, or do you prefer to write in a quiet space? Have you ever had success with a poem inspired by a song? Tell us all about it in the comments below!

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