
Word Nerd Wednesday: Cynefin


(We're not foolin' ya.)

Welcome to the first Word Nerd Wednesday of National Poetry Month! We're so excited to kick off this month, and I'm excited to offer up this word as tribute for your April 1st prompt. 

This is how excited we are.
(You can thank Lonely Island for this incredible still.)

So what is this word, exactly? Well, it's complicated. Originally, when I saw the Pinterest-version of the definition, I was very excited about it. But after researching it a little bit (because Pinterest isn't exactly the most reliable place in the entire world), I came to realize that this word has some serious baggage. However, I really am quite taken with it, so I decided to feature it anyway and just provide you with the resources to rifle through all its baggage if you so choose. So! Without further ado, here is the word of the day:

It's a Welsh word, which explains why it looks so funny. Here's the definition I found originally:

Neat, right?! Here are some additional resources if you'd like to explore this word further. Apparently, it's a sort of network, and it appears to be fairly complicated since Google suggested I search for the "simple explanation of cynefin". 

A Simple Video Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mqNcs8mp74

If you're not interested in digging deeper, let's move onward to our Word Nerd Wednesday Prompt!

1. Free write on the word to get your brain going in that poetry groove.

2. Write a poem titled "cynefin", or a poem that uses the word somehow. You can play with the meaning, simply use the word within your poem, etc.

3. Share it with us if you're jazzed about it! We're always delighted to hear about what you come up with. If you'd like, you can even submit it to be part of our Featured Friday selections! 

And that, my friends, sums up our first National Poetry Month prompt. We'll be releasing amazing stuff all week long, from printables to artwork to tips to even more awesome prompts. Stay tuned!

For more information about our National Poetry Month work, click here

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