
Word Nerd Wednesday: Luctiferous

Happy Wednesday, poetry friends! Ready for yet another installment of Word Nerd Wednesday? Let's dive in! 

(And no, that actually isn't a hint for the definition...although we can see why you'd think that. We like puns.)

For this particular installment of Word Nerd Wednesday, we will not be giving you the definition. (If you already know it, well, unlearn it for a few minutes.) We're going to switch our instructions a little, so buckle up:

1. Make a list of 5-10 words that sound similar to our Word of the Day. Use at least two of them in your poem.

2. You must use the Word of the Day in the last two lines of your poem. 

Okay, so maybe that wasn't all that radical...but who doesn't need a break in routine? You are, of course, still free to freewrite for ten minutes, draw a picture, stare out the window, and do anything else you need to do to get your brain rolling on today's prompt, just like old times.

Don't forget to share your poem with us! We'd love to see what you made of today's word, so leave a comment below or submit your work in an email. You can even send us poems you've written from our other prompts; we aren't picky!

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