
5 Reasons to Write a Poem Today

Floodmark is our name; writing poetry is the name of our game. If you're here, you probably don't need convincing, but there's a chance you might need that extra push to get writing today. And that's where we come in.

1. Poetry does awesome things to your brain.

Case in point: your brain on poetry.

Poetry gets your brain moving in ways other works of literature can't. It can even boost your memory. Yes, the article I'm referencing outlines the benefits of reading poetry, but who says you can't do both? Do your brain a favor and write a poem today.

2. Writing poetry boosts your relationships.

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It's true. Remember how we discussed being able to woo people with your pretty, pretty words over in this post? We aren't the only ones that think poetry can boost your personal relationships. Writing makes you a better communicator; being a better communicator makes you, well, a more agreeable human being. Try writing a poem that talks to someone you love, or someone you miss. Chances are, putting your message to them into a poem is going to give you all the fodder you need to churn out an amazing piece of poetry.

3. Writing poetry can make you better in business.

Say whaaaaaaat? Read up. You may as well put writing poetry as a special skill on your resume...starting today. Write a poem now, be CEO later. What more do you need?

4. It's about time you tried something new.

This is you, bored to tears and falling asleep.
Admit it; you've been doing the same ol' thing for a while now. Whether that thing is writing poetry in the same style over and over again or just sitting on the couch binge-watching Netflix (we're guilty of both), it's about time you had a challenge. We hereby dare you to try writing a new form of poetry. Go on, do it! We believe in you.

5. Writing a poem is a goddamn accomplishment.

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The editing! The word choice! Oh, the humanity! Writing a poem isn't easy, but think of how proud you're going to be once you've come up with something new. Take that idea you've been sitting on and try to make something of it, and remember: a poem has to start somewhere, so even if what you create today is no more than a first draft, it's still something you should be proud of.

Have we convinced you to write today? Tell us about your writing process today in the comments below, or send us an email with your poem, and you might just get featured on our blog! (You can also tweet it at us; that's been popular lately.)

PS: If you like this article, you may also like 10 Reasons Why Being a Poet is Absolutely Amazing.

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