
Word Nerd Wednesday: Selcouth

Welcome back to another Word Nerd Wednesday! We love searching for the weirdest words on the world wide web (lots of alliteration, I know), and we have another great find to inspire your writing today:

Selcouth means strange, unfamiliar, or unusual. According to wordnik, you can also use selcouth to mean marvelous, wondrous, or rare. No matter which way you slice it, selcouth is an incredibly versatile word to add to your poetic vocabulary...and now it's time to put it to use.

1. Use the Word of the Day to inspire you. Freewrite for ten minutes, make a list of words with a similar appearance or sound, play with rhyming phrases, etc.

2. Either use the Word of the Day as the title of your finished poem, or simply use your freewriting to write a poem that uses selcouth somewhere in it.

Happy writing!

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