
What's Your Writing Spirit GIF?

Readers, let's frolic a little differently today. Today, let's find our writing spirit GIFs. I've concocted a wee quiz for your enjoyment. Break out that old notebook and tally up your score to find the GIF that speaks to your note-scribbling, word-loving, journal-toting souls.

This one is mine.
Don't ask me why, but I can't watch this without laughing hysterically.

It all starts here:

1. Your writing strategy is:

A. Stare at the computer screen until something happens.
B. Find inspiration in the everyday routine of life.
C. Free write on your favorite things.
D. Use your emotions and secrets to inspire your writing.
E. Write every single day. No excuses.
F. Have a drink or two before sitting down to write.
G. Live your life and let the chips fall where they may.

2. Your reaction to writer's block is:

A. Not allowing yourself to leave your desk until you've broken the block.
B. Avoiding the problem until it goes away.
C. Writing nonsensical lines until something looks right.
D. Lie around the house in a robe with the curtains drawn.
E. Furiously scribble sentences until your brain gives up.
F. Drink heavily.
G. Do some drugs and wander the neighborhood.

3. Your favorite color is...

A. Silver.
B. Red.
C. Is beer a color?
D. Black.
E. Green.
F. Vodka.
G. Rainbow.

4. Remember that one time when...

A. You totally forgot to shower and lost all sense of time staring at a slinky? HA!
B. You got a rejection letter and drank a whole bottle of wine under your desk? HA!
C. You just started listing all the words you knew in the vain hope that a poem would appear? HA!
D. You had writer's block for so long that you started banging your head against a pillow? HA!
E. You typed so fast you actually sprained your finger and had to "take it easy" for awhile? HA!
F. You tried to write drunk and you woke up to find your hair in a beehive and your notebook soaked in vodka? HA!
G. You wandered into a stranger's backyard to sing the song of your people? HA!

5. You'd rather be...

A. Alone.
B. Dancin' in da club.
C. In your study drinking scotch and having deep conversations.
D. Literally anywhere but here, please.
E. Writing, duh.
F. Drunk. Just drunk.
G. Traveling the world, whee!

6. Your favorite poetry movement is...

A. The Victorian Era: Tennyson, the Brownings, Arnold, Hopkins, Wilde, etc.
B. The Confessional Poets: Sexton, Berryman, Lowell, Plath, etc.
C. The Beat Poets: Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti, Kerouac, Snyder, etc.
D. Surrealism: Neruda, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Ashberry, Tate, etc.
E. English Renaissance: Spenser, Shakespeare, Sidney, Jonson, Marlowe, etc.
F. Modernism: Pound, Eliot, Auden, Yeats, Stevens, etc.
G. The Romantic Poets: Byron, Shelley, Keats, Wordsworth, Coleridge, etc.

7. Your dream vacation is a...

A. Luxurious, but remote log cabin.
B. Solo Caribbean cruise.
C. Camping trip in the mountains.
D. Las Vegas for the casino circuit.
E. Whirlwind European tour.
F. Beach---any beach.
G. Road trip around the country.

8. Your favorite book you read in high-school is...

A. "A Tale of Two Cities".
B. "Romeo and Juliet".
C. "1984" or "Animal Farm".
D. "The Catcher in the Rye".
E. "The Grapes of Wrath".
F. "The Great Gatsby".
G. "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

OK, so hopefully you kept track of your results. If not, let the spirit GIF choose you. If you have no majority of letters, congratulations: the world is your spirit GIF.



Congrats, your writing spirit GIF is slinky-obsessed Jonny Depp! Maybe you should call your friend and re-socialize yourself. And maybe shower. Promise the laptop (and the slinky) will still be there in an hour.


Congrats, your writing spirit GIF is Robin crying under a desk with a bottle of wine! Rejection letters crushing your vibe lately? Writer's block driving you crazy? Crack open that bottle, but maybe consider drinking it...well, anywhere but under your desk.


Congrats, your writing spirit GIF is Ron Swanson typing every word he knows! You'll probably be at it for awhile. Godspeed. Some of your favorite things in no particular order: bacon, silence, whisky, rich mahogany, private libraries, and steak. 


Congrats, your writing spirit GIF is Nick banging his head against a pillow! Remember, your biggest critic is yourself. So cheer up, buttercup. Go to Petsmart and pet a puppy or something. Step away from the computer! And the pillow. I'm 94% sure that's not healthy.


Congrats, your writing spirit GIF is Bruce Almighty typing up a storm! You are a machine! Absolutely terrifying. The speed of your poetic brain is only matched by your freakishly large and nimble hands. Remember us plebs down here when you land some hoity-toity book deal.


Congrats, your writing spirit GIF is Zach Galifianakis at a vodka beach party! You take after many an esteemed writer by incorporating alcohol into your writing progress. Sure you're writing some trippy shit. Just remember to edit sober, bud. And maybe to drink a water bottle here and there for the sake of your liver.


Congrats, your writing spirit GIF is the raccoon who plays the sprinkler / harp to sing the song of his people! You are a whimsical, radical, wild human being. Your writing will inspire laughter, tears, and many a confused look. You will deem these people noobs and skip into the sunset with a basket of ham because....sure, why not.

Stay tuned for more spirit GIF-ery in the future! Be sure to share your spirit GIF on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / ALL THE SOCIAL MEDIA. You know, for funsies. 

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