
Word List: The Ocean and Beyond

Have you ever read Life of Pi? I put off reading it for so long—couldn't tell you why, I never had a reason to spend a decade avoiding the book. Although, I have this little theory about books: when you're ready for a certain story, the book finds you. Like so many things, it's all about timing. Books tend to appear for me at just the right moment. Life of Pi was a book that made a splash so huge I'm still feeling the ripples almost a year later. It made me reflect upon religion, culture, pain, survival, human nature, the balance of ecosystems, the art of storytelling, and most importantly, the power of nature. Specifically, the cruel, beautiful, and vast power of the ocean. It's a book that'll forever mark the landscape of water in my mind. 

This is all relevant because it's the inspiration for the writing prompt you're about to see below. If you haven't read Life of Pi yet, I highly recommend you give it a go. But if it's not the right moment for you to read a story that'll shake you, hold off. Turn your attention to the page and get in some solid writing time for the day with this ocean-inspired prompt.

The Word List

1. Tide.
2. Salt.
3. Sink.
4. Wave.
5. Endless.
6. Unbounded.
7. Swell.
8. Algae.
9. Multitudes.
10. Seaweed.

The Prompt

Here's the deal: use 8 of the 10 words listed above in a poem. It can be any form you'd like, and you can use the words in any grammatical variation if necessary. All you have to do is work in those words and see how creative you can be. 

Looking for more word list prompts to inspire your writing? You're in luck! We currently have four others on the blog:

3. Spring

That's all! Happy writing!

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