
Hello, Lover.

I'm not just being cheeky --- today you're going to say "Hellllllllo, NURSE!" to a fiction of your imagination: your ideal lover. You will shamelessly, fearlessly, boldly write him or her into a poem. These lovers aren't real and that's the point --- but the trick, the art, is to momentarily convince your reader that your subject is or was living, breathing, and existing within your world.


What is beautiful to you? 

And don't just stop at "blue eyes" --- booooooring. Think action-oriented characteristics --- animate your lover, give them structure and personality. Let them breathe. You're not here to press them into a painting, you're here to write a person into existence. "Blue eyes that flow over me like rivers and hills" or something with more substance. 

Can you kick your heart rate up a notch? 

Then you're on the right track. After all, this person you're writing is tailored perfectly to you. If you're not feeling a little weak in the knees, you're not doing it right. The goal is life, and life has reaction. 

It doesn't have to be sexual. But it can be. 

Those emotions are all tangled together. Let them be, or untangle them. It's your call. Poetry is life, and sex is a part of life. Write your dirty poems shamelessly if they further your art. 

Don't forget to say goodbye. 

LOL, but I had to.
Michael Scott aside, your love affair has to end with the poem. How will you end it? 

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