
Word Nerd Wednesday: Umbraphile

Gosh, don't you just love Wednesdays? 

Chances are you're shaking your heads "NO" and backing away slowly.

Because who the hell loves Wednesdays, or HUMP DAY, if you will? It's the awkward middle point of the week where you can't quite be excited for Friday yet because it's so far away. Oh, and you're also panicked because all the stuff you were putting off until "the end of the week" is suddenly waaaaay too close for comfort. So yeah, Wednesdays suck.

That's why we made Word Nerd Wednesday. (Well. That, and alliteration.) So put aside your Wednesday blues and get ready for a brilliant new word!

The definition makes it sound a little creepier than necessary. But the proof is in the pudding, as they say. "Umbra" means "shadow" and "-phile" means "lover". So, an "intense interest" is about right. 

You might have heard there was recently a blood moon AND a solar eclipse. That's how this word came to my attention. If you missed out on seeing the blood moon / eclipse, here are some sweet photos to give you an idea why someone might be an umbraphile:

Pretty cool, right? So get to work! Write a poem titled "umbraphile", or just aim to use the word once in a poem you're currently working on. You can get some really awesome figurative language from this word if you gave it a serious go, so maybe try your hand at free writing until something clicks. 

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