
Characters From Reality: 3 Prompts From Gary Miller

Looking for your next Gary Miller fix? Why not try out his three prompts that will help you build character. And characters. 

1. Take time to go to the biggest, busiest place you can. Picture a mall. Find someone that interests you and follow them. Seriously, follow them. Ask yourself questions about them and observe them. Write down what they did and create a character and the why. Do this again for another person and imagine if they met or if they knew each other. The relationship is up to you. Write a short story about it.

2. Give yourself a year. Pick any year. Find someone born in that year and someone who died in that year. What makes them who they are? Make a top ten list of what made you pick them.

3. Pick someone from your life you admire and write down why you admire them. Then pick someone from your life you absolutely despise and why. Write them having a conversation as to why they both are right in their ways.

Your life is my story. Give me your soul and let me write it.

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