
Photo Inspiration: Winter Trees

It's beginning to look a lot like...the polar vortex! Not quite as catchy, huh? But there it is -- we've blown past Thanksgiving weekend and are hurtling toward sub-zero wind chills and mountains of snow in the Chicago-land area. Those of you in warmer climes should thank your lucky stars right about now. 

We do have one thing going for us, though. Winter trees are pretty darn breathtaking. So let's focus on the silver lining today. Especially since you're likely reading this some place cozy, where you can pretend all the snow in these photos isn't real. 

Read on for today's inspiration and writing prompts!

The Photo Inspiration





The Prompt

Choose one of those photos up there. No scientific process needed, just pick the one that feels right to you. After you've done that, take some time to look at the chosen photo. Observe the little details, maybe take some notes. Your goal here: burn that image into your retinas. Because your next step is to close your eyes and project yourself into the landscape. Free write on your observations for 10 minutes. 

Bonus Points: think up a storyline for your moment in the winter wonderland. Why are you there? What are you feeling? What are you doing -- running, observing, talking to someone else? Weave this fabrication into your poem.

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