
Word Nerd Wednesday: Phosphenes

Happy Wednesday? Ready for the word of the day? I knew you would be.

Word of the Day: Phosphenes

(image source)
Do you know what it means? Hint: it's eye-related. And you've experienced it before. Maybe not too long ago if you've been pulling late nights like yours truly. One of the best things about these posts (for me, and hopefully for you as well!) is discovering words for things you experience every day. What a crazy world we live in -- you can go your whole life and suddenly find a word that brings something totally mundane back into focus. It's our job as poets to harness these moments and put them to work.

Via a blog on Tumblr -- but I can't find the link. :(

The Prompt

Rub your eyes. See some stars. Now write them into random constellations and meaningful sentences. If you're feeling really feisty, try using the word in a poem today. 


Are you looking for more words to inspire your writing? 

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