
Word Nerd Wednesday: Fluorescence

It's that time again: WORD. NERD. WEDNESDAY. 

Where we present you with a lovely word and you try to use it in your writing. If this one doesn't do it for ya, we have a bazillion more word prompts you can choose from. (But seriously there are almost 50 words to choose from. Take your pick.)

This week's word? 

(photo cred to: source)

Fluorescence, as defined by Merriam-Webster

luminescence that is caused by the absorption of radiation at one wavelength followed by nearly immediate reradiation usually at a different wavelength and that ceases almost at once when the incident radiation stops

Well, that's a mouthful. Essentially, shit that glows in the dark. When it glows naturally, it's called "bioluminescence". Vieques Bioluminescent Bay, pictured above, is a great example. Although it's not magic (usually it's something much, much less glamorous), us poets sitting in chilly Chicago can pretend it is. 

The Prompt

Today we're going to do an acrostic writing prompt. Not sure what that is? We've covered it for you here. Essentially, it's going old school. Each line starts with a letter in "Fluorescence". I like to free write on each letter until I get the lines I like. OR, if I'm feeling unfocused but still want to write something, I'll let my brain churn out lines as I go and worry about making it make sense later. 

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