
Woman Laughing While Eating Salad Alone, and other Stock Photo Oddities


Once upon a time, I was surfing the internet, as one does in their free time instead of something more productive, and stumbled upon this blog.

There were several photos I just couldn’t look at without laughing aloud, even though I wasn’t eating a salad. While reflecting back on why some of these images had made me absolutely lose it instead of just chuckle to myself, I realized it was because my imagination was making these people into characters, or drawing up situations around the image to fit its contents.  

Feel free to browse the site at your leisure, but I’ve rounded up the best of the best, the crème de la crème, otherwise known as: the images that made me start crying, I was laughing so hard. AKA, the images I challenge you to write about. A poem, a story, what have you. These images are so bizarre they cannot exist without at least a scrap of poetry in them somewhere…

1. “To deal with the ruminating thoughts of his undeniable mortality, Rob slept on a birthday cake rather than a pillow, his ear pressed to his current age as a reminder of what he could not escape. Death was coming. He knew it to be so…”


2. “Every night I pretend my fingers are my unborn son’s feet.”


3. “Standing behind him, Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eggleburg, which had just emerged, pale and enormous, from the dissolving night.
‘God sees everything,’ repeated Wilson.”


4. “What a shame…what…a…shame…”


5. “I’ve been going to yoga class with mommy!”


6. “What are we but puppets in the hands of an indifference society, blending in to its every whim, disappearing into the background of a culture that doesn’t value our individuality…”


Well…that’s that. If you Google “woman laughing while eating salad” you’ll find image after image of women eating salad by themselves, guffawing away. Makes sense though, 'cause as every woman secretly knows, salad is hilarious. A hoot. A riot. In fact, I think I’m going to go right now and write a poem about how funny salad is. Those leafy greens just get you. Bye for now. 

Read more of Alyssa's great work on Floodmark.

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