

Hi everyone, Pod here. Guess what, that right – it’s that time again. National Poetry Month is finally here! I know you’ve all been waiting eagerly, dressing up like Bobby Frost and leaving whiskey and cookies out for Ernest Hemmingway. Or, more likely, you’ve never heard of National Poetry Month before in your life. That’s fine. No one has. Basically it’s that time, April, when the rest of the world goes about its business completely normally while poets get really excited about poetry… which they always are anyway. So basically it’s just like any other month. Only with nicer weather. If you are one of the lucky few who care about poetry though, it’s a nice time to care a little more, share a little more, write a little more, etc. I wanted to do something special for poetry month this year so I thought it would be nice to have an exquisite corpse open to the public posted on Floodmark. If you don’t know what an exquisite corpse is, it’s a sort of blindly written group poem. It works like this: 
  1. Someone writes a line of poetry.
  2. They then pass that line to another person.
  3. That second person writes a second line of poetry in response to the first line.
  4. Ok, here’s the tricky part. The second person then passes only the second line to a third person.
  5. The third person then writes a third line of poetry responding to the second line (the key here is that the third person cannot see the first line. The can only see the line the second person wrote).
  6. This continues. The third person passes to a forth who can see the third line but not the first or second.
Is that clear as mud? Good. It’s simpler than it sounds. The basic idea is that you can always only see one line of poetry at a time. The line directly before the one you are writing. The process can include as many people as you like. The more people, the better. The result of this process is called an exquisite corpse poem. They are usually very strange, often funny, and more often than you think, make a strange sort of sense. 
This month we are going to be having a Floodmark exquisite corpse. It will be open to submissions from anyone and anyone can submit as many times as they like. We will update it twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. If you want to participate simply read the currently posted line of poetry and write a single line of your own to follow it. Submit your line by emailing it to floodmark.editorial@gmail.com. We will then replace the currently posted line of poetry with your line so that others can respond to it. Your submissions will be kept anonymous and at the end of the month we will post the completed poem with every submitted line. 

So have fun, be brave, and please submit. It’s a lot of fun!


Remember man, how he used to walk on two legs and gawk at the sky?

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