
Crazier Than a Sack of Ferrets: Our Attempt at Idiom-Inspired Poetry

Happy Friday, friends!

 For this edition of Featured Friday, your editors decided to take on idioms. Remember our post about idioms?  No? Let us remind you: they are one of the many ways that poetry is a ninja. Click here if you'd like to be reminded about the glory of idioms.

So, the thing about idioms. We chose this prompt for the month thinking it'd be an easy one.  A slam-dunk, if you will, after our recent entanglement with villanelles. If you'd like to witness our journey into the darkness of villanelle-land (just kidding, they're not all that bad), you can click here. If you'd like to know what on God's green earth a villanelle is, you can click here. (They're actually pretty lovely when you do it right.)

Anyway. Villanelles are hard. Idioms are no walk in the park either. Common phrases are surprisingly hard to utilize in your writing, as we found out. Does it sound contrived? Do I sound like a moron? Did my wordplay skills suddenly explode into greatness as I transformed an idiom into poetic glory? These are all questions we encountered as we tried one of our latest poetry prompts.

Here is the prompt we started with:
2) Choose 1 idiom from our list of "Common Idioms", and 1 idiom from our list of "Weird Idioms". Write a poem using both idioms. 
Read Alli's stab at an idiom-inspired poem:

Emily's turn; let's see how it went:

We gave it a try; now it's your turn! Take idioms around the block for a spin and see what they can do for you. When you're done, don't forget to let us know how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. Just loved to read this idiomatic poetry, never read a poetry having so much idioms before. Great work.
    Lilly, UK


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