
Word List: St. Patrick's Day


May the streets run amber with beer and the river run green with....food dye. Huzzah! 

via quickmeme.com.

We thought we'd honor this day properly with a word list inspired by St. Patrick's Day. The words we chose relate to everything from the actual story of St. Patrick (you know, the SAINT who started the drunken parades) to the modern-day holiday's interpretation of the story. Hopefully your poem-writing experience will be very merry indeed! 

If you're not familiar with word list prompts, essentially you just write a poem using all (or at least the majority) of these words. After you've fit them all in (or tried your darnedest), you should go back and pare down your lines to finish off your poem. Sound good? OK! 

Without further ado, here is our St. Patrick's Day prompt:

1. apostle
2. emerald 
3. parade
4. patron 
5. amber
6. gulp
7. snake(s)
8. trinity
9. clover 
10. luck

Happy writing, folks! Stay safe and have fun out there!

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