
Bro Poetry Strikes Again

If you know us, you know two things about us: we love haikus, and we love all kinds of nonsense. Thus, we have decreed that you, dear reader, simply have to know about this fantastic little piece of work. Ready? BRO POETRY HAIKUS.

Remember this little gem? Keep scrolling, because IT GETS EVEN BETTER.

While you'll have to go to this post to see the full list of beautiful bro haikus, we have a few favorites for you:

There are no greater
Earth-bound creators of song:
Slim Shady, Wu Tang.

Todd scores us some weed.
Ancestors bemoan my sin.
Bro, my hands? So big.

Chad dares me to jump
off the roof. Do I dream of
flight, or piss my shorts?

Judge not a man by 
decals on his cap, but by
how backwards it is

Click here to see the rest!

Love these as much as we do? See what you can come up with. Give yourself a laugh and try to pen a poem like a beer-drinking bro might. Not everything you write has to be serious, after all.

PS: We promoted this post on our Facebook account not too long ago. Make sure you like us to get all our updates and have some fun with us!

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