

Why yes, yes I do. 

via pixshark.com.
Clearly this is my face whenever I smell anything cooking.

It's the end of April and free printables are once again in the air! Our graphic designer extraordinaire, Amy Whalen, has been back at it. As always, hold your jaws, people. Things are about to get pretty.

In case you didn't know, today is National Poem In Your Pocket Day. 

So print out your favorite poem, carry it around with you all day, and read it/share it whenever the occasion arises. C'mon, you know you want to! If you're still hemming and hawing about laziness and the comfort of the butt-sized dent you've made in your couch (we've all been there), perhaps these bad boys will change your mind:

PRINTABLE POEM #1: Emily Dickinson's "I Dwell in Possibility"


PRINTABLE POEM #2: Rainer Maria Rilke's "Let Everything Happen"


Boom, and instant reason for you to print these designs up and show up all those folks with lined notebook paper. What a badass you shall be. 

With that, my friends, I will bid you a fond HAPPY NATIONAL POETRY MONTH! one last time. It's been fun writing and designing like a madwoman to bring you prompts and articles, but I'm ready to make my own butt-shaped dent in my couch and turn my brain off for May.

In Case You Missed It...

National Poetry Month Kick-Off Pack:

Poem-a-Day Printable Calendars:

Don't worry, there's plenty of time to catch up!

Floodmark Love + Writing Inspiration


P.S.: If you ever want these printables available in a different size, let us know. We're happy to make your printable party as awesome as possible.


You've seen her designs, now meet the creative mind behind them:

Amy Whalen is a recruiter hoping to eventually find her way into the marking and graphic design world. She hails from the land of Philly cheesesteaks, but found her home among the deep dish pizzas of Chicago after living here for half her life. You can find her on Twitter and Instagram at @ifuseekame. She says she's not much of a writer, but for impeccable and hysterical Throwback Thursdays, she is your girl---as you can see from the fabulous example below. Go Team, Amy! You da real MVP.

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