
Short Postsecret Prompt + Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Happy Cinco De Mayo, friends!

via  Pusheen the cat. Aka the best website ever.

OK. Now, down to business before you start in on the margs! Today's short prompt is a free writing exercise (more on this here if you're interested) based on the PostSecret postcard submissions below. PostSecret is a fantastic project, especially if you're looking for poetic inspiration. You can check out the project by clicking here for more information.  So, without further ado, here are a few secrets to inspire your writing today:

Try to use a phrase or recreate an image from your chosen postcard(s). Incorporate the secret itself into the poem, or go an entire direction entirely. Follow your instincts as you react to these secrets---try to find your honest feelings on the topic and images. 

Have a good Cinco de Mayo, friends! Eat some guac for me and get to work on those margs!

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