
Word Nerd Wednesday: Sacrosanct

Sometimes, we have really, really good hooks for our Word of the Day posts. Emily heard last week's word, incandiferous, in the movie Moulin Rouge, and the previous week's word, moose-yard, is a hook in itself. But this week's word? Well, I was half-listening to NPR on my commute home when the word "sacrosanct" echoed around in my head. And of course, as I was half-listening, I missed valuable context clues needed to decode said word. Which resulted in me torturing myself about it for the next 2 hours of my commute home.

So, without further ado...

The Definition

Sacrosanct: adjective (especially of a principle, place, or routine) regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with.


Sacred, hallowedrespectedinviolableinviolateunimpeachableinvulnerableuntouchableinalienableprotecteddefendedsecuresafe.

Thank you, Dictionary. I can now rest easy tonight.

The Prompt

You probably know the drill by now. So let's change the drill a little bit. You could do our normal suggestion, which is to freewrite on this word for 15 minutes and see what you come up with. OR, you could title the poem "sacrosanct", but...don't use the word in the poem. Instead, use 3 synonyms to get your point across. Sound like fun? Get to it!

As always, we love to hear about what you're up to. Shoot us an email (click the little envelope on our social media bar at the top of the page), or comment below to tell us about your favorite words and whatever else your heart desires. We're good listeners.

When we're not Googling "Smiling Dogs", that is.

(Dog via letanphuc.net)

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