
Word Nerd Wednesday: Aether


It's totally that time of the week again. Are you wondering what the word of the day is?? Well, wait no longer:

Yep, AETHER. Just wait until you find out what it means! The meaning just pulled at my little poetic heartstrings. Unlike other Word Nerd Wednesday prompts, I'm actually going to tell you the definition. Because I'm pretty sure it's begging to be a poem. Like now.

OK, so it's already poetry. The word is a poem. How cool is that?! You know the drill, wordies: let this word inspire your poetry today by free writing on the definition and the sounds of the word itself. Use it as the title of a poem if you're feeling particularly fancy. 

If you come up with anything awesome based on this word, send it our way! We love reading your work. And I owe you a high five if you use "aether" because even though it's basically a word-poem, it might be tough to work into your own writing naturally. Consider it a challenge. Make it look effortless. 

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