
Word Nerd Wednesday: Dogma

What day do you wait for every day of the week? I'll bet you it's not a Wednesday. Well, we here at Floodmark are determined to give you more reasons to love Hump Day, starting with our series called...Word Nerd Wednesday!

Let your word nerd flag fly with our weekly words that will inspire and fascinate. SO, without further ado.......


There ya have it! In case you don't know the drill....

1. Write a poem before you look up the definition. Use the sounds, the implications, and the look of the word as inspiration. Make up your own definition and roll with it. Some ideas to get you started:
  • What do you see when you read this word? A Southern dog calling for his ma? A superhero with a dog as his symbol? So on and so forth.
  • Follow the sounds. Make a rapid-fire list of similar sounding words. Try to focus purely on the phonetic aspects. Example: dogma, fog, slog, slaw, raw, etc. 

2. Look up the definition. Go for round two with this word ---- how did it defy or meet your expectations?
3. Try to title a poem using this word. See how well you can tie your expectations with reality.

Looking for more new words? Check out all our Word Nerd Wednesday posts by clicking here.

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