
Hot Dudes Reading: What More Could You Want?

Readers! What is better than seeing an attractive person reading a really good book?

Hey girl, on my way to book club.
(via mediafactory.org)

Nothing. Nothing is better. And the folks who run Hot Dudes Reading on Instagram agree. Oh? And did I mention --- they're HILARIOUS. Okay, and creeptastic. But what person doesn't want to be ogled not only for their good looks, but also for their good books?! Look through some of their greatest hits and bask in the beauty of these hot dudes reading. (And if you're not into appreciating hot dudes reading, keep scrolling 'cause I whipped up a little something for you at the end...)

1. That man bun, though. 

2. Clark Kent + 100 Years of Solitude = YES.

3. You heard 'em: all hunk, no hobbit. And he's reading.


4.  Prince Charming reading a book? I'll take it. 

5. Game of Thrones = INSTA-Yes.

6. Look at that suit! Those glasses! That book! A+, Mr. Professor.

7.  It's all about that inseam. And the book. 

8. A man double-fisting coffee and a book knows what's up.

I'm just gonna stop there for now, but...suffice to say that every photo on that account is an A+++. Because you know what people really dig? Brains and beauty. A good book makes everyone attractive.

Hot dudes reading didn't do it for ya? 

Fair is fair, so I went ahead and found some photos of attractive girls reading, too. Though they lack the hilarity of Hot Dudes of Instagram, I didn't want you to walk away without any eye candy!







So, this was all in good fun, but while I was putting together this article, all I could think about is how lovely these people's faces are --- because they're reading. Call me a nerd, but that look of absorption and attention is really, really attractive. Just goes to show that all good things come from reading! So whip out that book you've been saving for home and go read in a public place. Maybe your dream guy or gal is out there, looking for a familiar cover and an unfamiliar face. ;)

(Pssst! Want more stuff to make you giggle? Check out our Frolic tag!)

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