
Photo Inspiration: Dew

Every once and awhile, our short and sweet prompts get...super short, and thus super sweet. Today's photo inspiration prompt is just that. We're going to provide five photos of dew drops, and you're going to pick one (or more) to free write on.

Also, just to get your poetry gears turning --- here's this quote from William Blake's "Auguries of Innocence":

Read the full poem here.

Now go, be free. Look on the dew and be happy.

If you got to the bottom without feeling compelled to write something --- get back up there and choose a photo to free write on, silly! Feeling stuck? Fine, fine, I'll provide some questions to get ya going. 

1. Choose a photo and write 10 similes about the dew drops. Then, choose a second photo --- the one you feel is the most different from the first you chose --- and write 5 more. 

2. Write a poem about dew drops without using the words "dew", "drop", "rain", or "morning". Basically, write a poem about dew the hard way.

3. Feeling fancy? Make the word "dew" one of your 6 words you need to write a sestina. (Don't know how to write a sestina? We've got you covered, bro.)

And that's all she wrote! (For today, at least.)

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