
An Incomplete And Unordered List Of Things In The Solar System

the dwarf planet ceres


the element beryllium


at least one dog


the natural satellite Io


strike-slip faults


two-for-one beer specials


clouds composed primarily of ice


a man with a moustache who is also not your father


the extinct volcano Olympus Mons


a fish without jaws


at least one artificial satellite 


the aurorae of Saturn


fruit salad


a siderophilic isotope of potassium


at least one surviving example of soviet monumental architecture 


at least one book that has never been opened


the natural satellite Hyperion


a model of the solar system within the solar system itself


the planet Mercury 


at least one Ginkgo biloba


the heliopause (debatable)


a radio transmission of ‘starman’ by David Bowie

Read more of Vernon's work here. 


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