
Word Nerd Wednesday: Lissome

Can you believe its Wednesday already? Me either. But a new Wednesday means a new word to inspire the rest of your week! And boy, oh boy, do I have a treat for you today.

Definition: thin, supple, and graceful.

Fun fact: when I tried to type "lissome" on my phone it autocorrected to "kiss one". Maybe it's a sign.  Or maybe my phone has an extremely limited vocabulary. Either way, I liked the musicality and the words "lissome" and "kiss" in the same context. After all, isn't grace akin to kissing the sky? 

The Prompt

Today, let's do some free association to work on our ear for music. Start with a blank sheet of paper. Write lissome at the top. Now write the next work that pops into your head to start the list. Then another then another. 
For example, mine starts like this: 


kiss one

And so on and so forth. Try to keep at it for about 5 minutes, and let your brain wander to the next sound freely. Go with it. When you're done, select 10 words -- the 10 best words or the 10 easiest words to use or the 10 most musical words. However you want to judge it is fine. Use these words in your next poem.

Read more of Alexandria's work.

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