
Inspiration Station: 6 Humans of New York Stories

Let's be honest: you've probably heard of "Humans of New York" by now. BUT if you haven't --- congratulations. This is a pretty awesome day for you.

I've been thinking a lot about character lately. I walk to work through the Loop in Chicago, and I find myself inadvertently looking into a lot of different faces. Which is sort of awkward, because I can't help but follow every line in their face to a story that I imagine for them. (Admittedly, I'm a creep. And have an overactive imagination.) I've been toying with the idea of writing some of the particularly strange, funny, disturbing, and otherwise melancholy faces into poetry. Humans of New York, a photo project run by Brandon Stanton, seemed like a great way to share my idea with my favorite friends in writing --- you!

Here are six faces. Click through to the source to read their stories. Scroll down for your prompt at the bottom!








Write a poem from the perspective of the person telling the story of the moment the photo was taken. What story were they telling (if you haven't already clicked through to the sources)? What can you add to their stories (if you have already clicked through)? Who do they love, hate, admire, desire, or fear? In short, lend them a voice for the space of your poem. 

Extra Credit: Follow, share, and love the Humans of New York blog. It's truly a phenomenon in this world.

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