
Word Nerd Wednesday: Waldosia

Happy Word Nerd Wednesday yet again! It's one of the best days of the week, and we've got a fantastic word to get you inspired:

Definition (source):

n. [Brit. wallesia] a condition characterized by scanning faces in a crowd looking for a specific person who would have no reason to be there, which is your brain’s way of checking to see whether they’re still in your life, subconsciously patting its emotional pockets before it leaves for the day.

I love finding words to help sum up the human experience, and waldosia is definitely one of them. After all, who hasn't searched for someone they miss and felt the tangle of emotions that follows?

Writing Prompt:

1. Use the Word of the Day to inspire you. 

Freewrite for ten minutes, make a list of words with a similar appearance or sound, play with rhyming phrases, etc. You can also freewrite on a time when you've experienced waldosia. Who where you looking for? What did you feel? Who or what else does your brain look for when you aren't paying attention?

2. Edit your work.

When you're finished freewriting, you can either use the Word of the Day as your poem's title, or just edit your poem to make sure you've used the word somewhere.

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